We strictly comply with the Greek Government’s protocols regarding COVID-19 and we would like to reassure you that we follow all the protective and hygiene measures in order to safeguard the health of our guests, as well as of our employees. 

We make sure that at regular intervals throughout every evening of our operation all surfaces that might have been be touched by our staff and/or our guests are being cleaned and disinfected properly, for example POS machines, the doorknobs, the taps, the seats and tables etc. All members of Thymari Restaurant get constant guidance on matters of personal hygiene and protection from COVID-19 and each one gets his/her body temperature taken before we open our doors, as well as at the end of the evening.  

In addition, every guest can find alcohol-based hand sanitiser in the entrance of the restaurant and on each table.

Finally, single use menus and accessible menus through QR codes will be provided.